I had a session with a client this week who was really frustrated that she continually second-guesses herself in many areas of her life. She kept saying, “Why do I do this, Sara?” When she asked that question in such a pained way, I realized that “Why?” is a question …
Powerfully Shift Into Action from a Place of Abundance and Clarity
This Month, I’m offering a new group program called Shift Into Action. It’s a 9-week program designed to empower business owners to work through emotional gunk to create a space and take inspired action in their business and personal lives. The thing that’s different about this program from any productivity …
A High Tide Raises All Ships: Creating a Master Spirit for Business Growth
Last week, I introduced the idea of a Master Spirit, which is similar to the concept of a Master Mind. A Master Spirit is what happens when a group of like-minded individuals come together with the intention of creating growth and healing for one another. The group takes on an …
Create a Clearing in Your Physical and Energetic Space
In my previous post, Approach Your To-Do List with a Sense of Ease and Stillness, I talked about how important it is to create a clearing so stillness can come into your business. Today, let’s look a little more closely at the idea of creating a clearing. When you are …
Approach Your To-Do List with a Sense of Ease and Stillness
Recently, a client said something that got me thinking about stillness. She mentioned, “some people don’t do enough, some people do too much, and both come from a sense of ‘not enough.’” This month, as I prepare to launch my Shift into Action Group Program, I’m thinking a lot about …
Our Beliefs: What it Means to Come from Your Head vs. Being Fully Embodied
There’s a difference between having a thought in our heads about who we are and having the belief be fully embodied within ourselves. Often this will mean the difference between longing for something and truly, deeply experiencing it. When we let go of all the old thought patterns and “gunk” …
Why it’s Important to be Conscious of What We’re Reaffirming to Ourselves
In every part of our lives, it’s important to be conscious of and responsible for what we’re reaffirming to ourselves. Often, we may catch ourselves having repetitive thoughts that don’t serve us, like, “People are out to get me. This isn’t going to work. I’m not a good speaker.” Most …
Are You Allowing Money to Dictate Your Worth?
Last week, I talked a lot about what happens when we push down our fearful thoughts and try to force ourselves to feel “fine” (read more HERE). Piling new, reactionary thoughts like, “I’m fine. I can do this. People respect me” on top of fear-based thoughts only works to reinforce …
Are You Creating a “Not Fine” Sandwich?
I often work with clients when they’re going through particularly challenging points in their lives. It’s not unusual for me to see clients up against something that feels impenetrable, and I hear them tell themselves things like, “I can’t do this. This isn’t going to work. Who am I to …
The More You’re Yourself, the More You’re Someone Who can do Sales
In last week’s blog post, Your Expectations Will be Reflected in the World Around You, I talked about what happens when you have disempowering expectations running in the background of your sales calls. This week, let’s continue the conversation about sales calls with the intention of really understanding what the …