When I think of expanding and showing up more in the world, the image of a blossoming flower comes to mind. As we open ourselves and live more authentically, we share our beauty in a new and greater way. Our uniqueness is easier to see. We allow ourselves to use …
What You Have in Common with Preemies
My older daughter was born early. 3 months early. She weighed in at a whopping 2 lbs. 5 oz. – a decent birth weight for that age. Even so, my finger was bigger around than her calf. I had never been around preemies before, so I learned a LOT over …
A Little Makes a Lot
I read an article this week that has made such a difference for me that I’m eager to share it with you. In This Coach Improved Every Tiny Thing by 1 Percent and Here’s What Happened, James Clear talks about Dave Brailsford, the General Manager and Performance Director for Team …
What If There’s Nothing Wrong?
At the end of last week’s article (Perils of the Law of Attraction), I was talking about how every situation holds a treasure for us. I’ve had some great follow-up conversations with clients and friends around that this week and wanted to share a little more about that with you. …
Who’s your biggest competitor?
My clients complete a form before each of our calls so that we’re both clear on what’s going on for them and what we’re going to work on. I was reading one the other day on which the client talked about competition. (A former employee) continues to take my intellectual …
Are you there yet?
“Are we there yet?” You don’t have to be a parent to be familiar with THAT question. Chances are good you asked it of your own travel-weary parents. After all, a journey can feel long and boring – something that we want to end quickly so we can get to …
Discovering your word of the year
Have you found a word for the year yet? (See this article for more information on what a word of the year is.) Choosing a word is a nice ritual to have at the beginning of the year, but no matter what time of year it is when you read …
An End-of-the-Year Confession
A new year. What a great time to reflect on the year past and make intentions about the year ahead. One of the rituals I’ve done for the past several years is to choose a word of the year. Resolutions feel heavy to me, like an obligation. A word of …
The Value of Petty Jealousy
One thing I often tell my clients is, “Don’t try to look good in our sessions.” When you’re trying to look good, you aren’t 100% yourself. You aren’t fully connecting with all of you. (Read more on The Danger of Trying to Look Good.) This week, two separate clients told …
Giving Thanks
It’s Thanksgiving here in the U.S. – one of my favorite holidays. The energy of gratitude is incredibly powerful. Studies have shown that people who start a daily practice of making lists things they are grateful for report that they become happier. The change is big enough to be seen …