Clear the Gunk

Sometimes we have so much “gunk” in our space that it’s really difficult to see all the gifts around us. We lose sight of the great truth that we can create whatever we want and are stopped by unhelpful thoughts, uncomfortable feelings and fears. When you have those things in …


Are you being tested?

I often hear people talk about how the Universe is “testing them.” They see a certain situation and assume that the Universe is putting up some kind of block or challenge to make their lives more difficult. Today I’d like to explore what these “tests” actually are… hint: they’re not …

The Difference Between Believing Something… And Experiencing It

There are so many things that we believe in our lives. For instance, we believe that it is okay for women to own their own businesses. We believe that it is okay to be successful and we believe that we deserve to make a good living. These thoughts may sink …

What’s Your Why – and Why It Matters

Your ‘Why’ is perhaps the most important aspect of your business. It can really affect how you’re doing what you’re doing, even if it doesn’t change what you’re doing. One example that comes to mind is sales conversations, which, if you’re in business for yourself, you know you must have. …

Are you Okay?

In my work, I always strive to guide my clients toward a place of deep connection with themselves and the Infinite so they can come to a place of experiencing that they are always okay. This is also what I am constantly working on for myself. Exploring the experience of …


Are you safe?

In life, our point of greatest strength is often our point of greatest vulnerability as well. Let’s say you’re a coach, and you’re extremely good at doing on-the-spot laser coaching. It’s one of your strengths. You’re able to become very present for the person, really listening and really hearing them. …

Where Does All The Energy Go?

We are bountiful, abundant, energetic human beings. But doesn’t it sometimes feel like you’re exhausted before you even get out of bed? Your energy gets tied up in things other than physical activity. Let’s say you wake up with 100 units of energy. Where do they all go? Some of …

Leaning In vs. Holding Back

When something starts to feel uncomfortable or a little bit scary, our inclination is to pull back. We disengage in some ways. Do you know what I’m talking about? The funny thing is that in order to really make a difference and have an uncomfortable situation work out better, to …


Moving Past Fear

When I signed up with my first business coach, I did it because it scared me in all the right ways. I was clear that underneath the fear was also a feeling of excitement of what was possible, and I knew that with the techniques I have (which I teach …


Your Business Path Can Be Your Spiritual Path

In your business, do you ever feel like you have to hold back or play it safe just in case the money runs out? I understand fears about money. I’ve had them myself, and I see them in my clients. It seems like a natural part of the world in …