Fill Your Energy Tank

When we’re fully present and able to acknowledge our accomplishments, we fuel ourselves to do the next thing. When my children were little, I always talked to them about filling their “Love Tank” when they were feeling grouchy and unhappy. I would say things like, “It sounds like your love …

What’s your story?

Listening to the speakers at the Emerging Women conference, I was impressed by their stories. Brené Brown told a story she’d never shared before about something that happened during the filming of her appearance on Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday. Arianna Huffington talked about her collapse from exhaustion. (Are YOU getting …

It’s Okay to Be Here Now

The extent to which we live in the past (and as long as we have unresolved issues from the past, we live in it to some degree) is the extent to which we cannot be fully present, either with ourselves or with others. When we release all the old stories …

Treasure Hunt: Finding the Golden Nuggets of Leadership

If everyone were truly living in the present, and fully aware of following their natural instincts and talents, leadership would just be a natural thing that happens. When we clear the gunk, the stuff we’re still attached to from the past, we can find the golden leadership nuggets that are …

Are You Making Life Harder Than it Needs to Be?

Today, I’m reminded of a Buddhist story. Two monks were walking down the street together. It had just rained, and the dusty street had turned into deep, sticky mud. Before too long, they come across a beautiful woman wearing her best clothing. She needed to get from one side of …

De-cluttering Your Inner Space

Creating inner space with my clients is a big part of what I do. When we have that space inside of us, it provides an opening for creativity and for possibility. Most people don’t realize that each individual is responsible for creating the inner space within him- or herself. We …

Do You Believe in Possibility?

If something doesn’t feel or seem possible for us, we don’t go for it. We often see other people’s big accomplishments and we think, “Wow, that’s so cool, I wish that could happen for me.” We forget (or we don’t even know about) all the steps it took for that …


The Power of AND

  You know how it is, you intend to work on a project, but you get stuck. And it doesn’t happen today. Again. Inside your head, you’re saying things like: I have to write that email, but I feel stuck and don’t know what to say. I’m going to write …

Are you secretly holding onto your confusion?

The #1 thing I hear from entrepreneurs is that they want more clarity. They’re tired of the confusion and of second-guessing themselves. Tired of cluttered thoughts and chatty minds. Believe me, I get it! I’ve been there myself and have helped hundreds of clients in the same position. We want …

Just how deep are you?

When I was growing up, my family had a tradition of our celebrating our 12th birthday by taking a trip with our dad. This was our chance to spend significant one-on-one time with him. For my trip, Dad and I decided to go to a sailing school on the Gulf …