Connect with Your Ability to Persevere

A few years ago I read a story about a fifteen-year-old who had developed a test for pancreatic cancer. This teenage scientist wrote to 200 professors asking for laboratory time so he could develop his idea. 199 of those professors either outright rejected him or ignored his request. For one …

It’s Not About You, It’s About the Fit

One of my clients recently started reassembling her team after letting a few people go. Because of the work we’d been doing together and the work she’d been doing on her own to clear out and understand her old ways of operating, she was able to see that these people …


Reconnecting to Your Dreams

My oldest daughter was very premature. Because of how early she was, she was at risk of developing a condition called Retinopathy of Prematurity, in which the blood vessels of the retina are not fully developed and have a tendency to grow in a circle instead of expanding out to …

Are You Comfortably Miserable?

This topic has been coming up in conversation with clients a lot lately. They’ll tell me that they didn’t realize how comfortable they’d become with the status quo despite the fact that the status quo was pretty miserable. We all get caught up in this kind of thinking sometimes. We …

Have you found your power?

A lot of the work that I do with people involves getting them in touch with their power. People often go searching for power outside of themselves. They think, “Once I learn this or experience that or align myself with this person, then I’ll be in touch with my power …

Are You Struggling With Struggle?

One of the things I’ve witnessed in clients – and in myself – is a struggle with struggle itself. It took me quite awhile to recognize it, but once I did, light bulbs went off all over the place! THIS is what was making our work 1,000 times harder than …


Clear the Air with Intentions

I’ve seen the simple act of setting intentions make a huge difference for people. When we create from a place of true intention, what we do comes from our very being, not just our minds. Creating intentions for future events or situations affects us in the present by allowing us …

Shining the Light On Your Business and Your Life

Living a truly authentic life can be hard because it means getting rid of the gunk from the past. Continuing to clear away that stuff through energy techniques has worked for me. It’s made me able to connect with and approve of myself first instead of looking to other people …

Clearing a Path to Authenticity

In my previous post, The World is Moving Quickly. Are You Moving With It?, I discussed the danger of trying to please everybody all of the time. The real problem is that there are just too many differences in the people around you. You’ll never be able to get everybody …