Investing in Yourself vs. “Spending Money”

When I hired my first business coach, it was a huge amount of money for me at the time. It scared me. It terrified me, actually, to invest that kind of money in myself. I’d never done anything like it before! What paying that much for coaching gave me, though, …

The Role of a Coach: More than a Mirror

I recently hired a new coach. We’ve worked together several times so far, and I’m really enjoying our process because she offers new insights into the way the world perceives me that I hadn’t previously realized and she relates to me as the greatest version of myself. I’ve heard people …


The 3 Pieces of a Traumatic Event

Expectations and perceptions are so important. They can lift us up or hold us back, and we’re creating them all the time as we go through life. I talk to my clients a lot about specific events that have affected their perceptions and expectations of themselves and the world around …


The Gift of Being Shattered

Have you ever had your world shatter?  Had the foundation of what you thought gave you safety and security totally fall apart?  Had something that rocked you to your core and left you feeling vulnerable and defenseless? You can have big shatterings from things like divorce, betrayal and loss.  You …

Celebrate Your Strengths

Through my work with female entrepreneurs, it’s not uncommon to discover an underlying sense of “stuck” in any particular area. The feeling of being “stuck” is something to which everyone can relate at some point in their life; it’s the sense that you don’t know what to do next, how …

Stop Running from Your Own Success

For most of us, the thing we’re running from is almost always the pathway to our biggest growth and the doorway to deeper peace. Gaining perspective on what’s blocking your way to success can be difficult and it’s normal for some unpleasant stuff to come up along the way. When …


Want to Charge More? Serve More.

Building your business isn’t just about making money. It’s about becoming better at what you do because becoming better means being of greater service to your clients. The coach or healer who charges $50/hour for a single session is operating on a different level than the coach or healer who …

You Can’t Grow a Successful Business Without Continuing to Grow Yourself

Many of us have this idea that at some point we’ll “figure it all out” and be on a trajectory that only goes upwards. Unfortunately, that’s just not realistic. No matter where we are in life, we’ll always hit challenging moments. It’s through those challenges that we experience growth. You …

Honor Yourself and What You’ve Created

As entrepreneurs, it’s so easy for us to think that everyone knows what we know and that what seems basic to us is basic to our clients. We lose sight of the natural gifts we possess or exactly how much time and energy we’ve put into becoming the best at …


Acknowledge Your Emotions and Let Them Flow

One thing I’m always working on with clients is helping them to acknowledge and accept their feelings. We’re all great at accepting the positive feelings. The ones that make us feel good and comfortable. It’s the feelings that we generally think of as “negative” that are a bit harder to …