Getting to know you Getting to Know You What's your name? If you have a partner or spouse, what's their name? If you have children (including furry ones), what are their names (and species if appropriate 🙂 )?If you have daily practices, what are they and how consistently are you doing them?What are your biggest goals, dreams or intentions?What would you like to see change in your life? In other words, what are some things we can use as guideposts to see if you’re moving in the direction that you want to go? We’ll follow your energy and what’s wanting to emerge, and we’ll also check in on these.What experiences have you had that you think would be good for me to know about? I'm interested in the things that feel like they still have a charge for you. A lot of things will naturally come up during our calls, so don't feel like this needs to be an exhaustive list at all. Just share what you feel drawn to share, knowing that I'm holding this in confidence.What name(s) for God / the Universe / the Divine / Higher Self do you prefer? Do you prefer communicating via text or WhatsApp? Anything else you want to share with me?